“An entertaining genre film with a confident Singaporean flavour”
– Yahoo!: ★★★★
“A hilariously entertaining horror comedy”
– Moviexclusive: ★★★½
“A delightfully smart and cheeky horror-comedy… A fun undead romp that’s elevated by it’s well-drawn characters and witty colloquialisms.”
– Popwire
“Zombiepura brings some undead fun to local films”
– The Straits Times
“Whimsical sense of humour”
– Zaobao: ★★★ entertainment value
“Shaun of the Dead… with a heavy dose of Singaporean humour… Genuinely entertaining with a script chock-full of our unique local zingers.”
– Geek Crusade: ★★★½
“One of the most refreshing new film concepts to have come out in Singapore”
– The Popping Post